
About Follow No Path, Bennet Huber's personal blog

seeker of truth

follow no path

all paths lead where

truth is here

-- E. E. Cummings

Hi! My name's Bennet Huber, and I've decided to start a blog. We'll see where it goes, most likely nowhere. I do have several things I want to write about though, so hopefully I'll have time to do so. It will probably be mostly technical/programming stuff, with a smattering of other things I'm thinking about.

A little bit about me. I was born in 1987, and grew up in Lower Merion, right outside Philadelpha. I got a degree in Computer Science from The Pennsylvania State University in 2010, with a minor in Mathematics. Since then, I've been doing software development professionally full time. First at Azavea in Philadelpha from 2010 - 2014, then Amazon from 2014 - 2021 in Seattle (for exactly seven years), then finally Compose.AI from 2021 - November, 2022. My second child was born in December, 2022, so since then I've been mostly playing house husband.

I have a wide variety of interests that I may or may not write about on this blog. In addition to software development, I'm interested in economics, political systems, DIY/hacking, and complex systems in general.